Wip 2. - On-site (在场)

In the period between February and June 2023, we embarked on two month-long expeditions to China, revisiting the urban landscapes of Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou. These journeys were both enlightening and poignant, especially given that our last time in China was at the end of 2019. The transformation we witnessed was both rapid and profound, with the urban fabric of these cities undergoing significant metamorphoses.

Shanghai, in particular, bore the marks of astonishing urban renewal. Areas that were once familiar have been replaced, with many streets in the inner city now characterised by vacant edifices and bustling construction sites. One cannot traverse these urban precincts without encountering bold red banners proclaiming the virtues of urban regeneration.

What we have seen instilled in us a profound urgency; an imperative to delve deeper and understand the forces at play. This was not merely due to the erasure of familiar landscapes and memories, but also because of the challenges we faced as researchers. The relentless pace of bulldozers and urban development threatened to eclipse our research sites. Notably, several of our chosen fields– prominent urban villages in Shanghai and Shenzhen – were visibly waning, both physically and socially.

Gaining access to these sites proved challenging. Although we could enter some areas, others were strictly off-limits, particularly those earmarked for redevelopment or already under the purview of urban regeneration initiatives. In Shanghai, we encountered individuals in plain attire who seemingly held authority over these sites, curtailing our endeavours to conduct interviews, interact with locals, film, or even make casual inquiries.

No doubt these urban villages were spaces of power. Here, intricate issues, often deemed 'sensitive' – such as eviction, resettlement plans, compensation, and land and property rights – were deeply enmeshed. Without the guides of pivotal gatekeepers, we found ourselves lingering on the periphery, garnering only fragmentary insights. Nonetheless, as we continuously sought new ways of entry, it is hopeful to bring in future updates.


