The Connotation of Land Conversion

“土地转换不仅包括土地产权的转移,还包括土地利用变化。在我国,土地公有制有两种不同的所有制表现形式,即全民所有制和劳动群众集体所有制。《中华人民共和国先法》和《中华人民共和国土地管理法》 规定,城市市区的土地属于国家所有;农村和城市郊区的土地,除由法律规定属于国家所有的以外,属于农民集体所有;宅基地、 自留地和自留山属于农民集体所有。因此,在中国土地转换包括三个层次:第一,城市全民所有制内部的土地转换;第二,农民集体所有制内部的土地转换;第三,农地城市转换,即农民集体所有土地向城市国有土地的转换。它不仅实现了土地所有权的转移,而且土地利用性质发生改变,利用方向的变化是不可逆转的。”

"Land conversion in China encompasses not only the transfer of land ownership but also changes in land use. In China, the land ownership system exhibits two distinct forms: urban land is primarily under state ownership, characterized by national ownership and collective ownership by the laboring masses, while rural and suburban land belongs to collective ownership by farmers, with exceptions as stipulated by law. Specifically, homesteads, self-retained land, and self-retained mountains fall under the collective ownership of farmers.

Therefore, land conversion in China operates on three levels: firstly, the conversion of land within the urban national ownership system; secondly, the conversion of land within the collective ownership of farmers; and thirdly, the conversion of agricultural land to urban land, which entails the transformation of land owned collectively by farmers into state-owned urban land. This process not only involves the transfer of land ownership but also results in a fundamental change in land use characteristics. Importantly, the shift in land utilization direction is irreversible."

—— 马航,王耀武. 深圳城中村的空间演变与整合. 2011

Photos taken at Shenzhen Museum of Contemporary Art and Urban Planning